Freedom from fear and distress

All dogs deserve to be happy. 

Loving your dog and learning to understand their needs will help you identify the things you must do to prevent your dog feeling worried, upset, frightened and stressed.

Did you know that there is a special law protecting animals?

This law is called the Animal Welfare Act. The Animal Welfare Act says that your animal has five groups of welfare needs. These are five groups of things that animals need to be healthy and happy. These five welfare needs are called the Five Freedoms.

Under the Animal Welfare Act all animal guardians (owners) need to provide these five groups of things for their animals. One of these Five Freedoms is: Freedom from Fear and Distress. In this section you will learn about this freedom and how you can make sure your dog or puppy is receiving the love, understanding and companionship he or she needs to be free from fear and distress.


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