
Kangaroos are living beings with needs, wants and feelings, just like you and I. There are 50 different species of Kangaroo living across Australia. The size of the kangaroo is dependent on the species, the biggest Red Kangaroos can weigh up to 90kg and be 2 metres tall and the smallest is the Musky Rat-Kangaroo at half a kilo.

Kangaroos are most active at dawn and dusk. Kangaroos are herbivores, and they eat mainly dried grasses, leaves and bark. Kangaroos scoop out hip holes so they can lie more comfortably.  Kangaroos are mob animals and are found in groups of 2 or 3, with sometimes up to 100 in a mob.

Thank you to Fauna Rescue SA for their kind and knowledgeable advice on which this information is based.

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Fun Facts

On land kangaroos only ever move their back legs together, however in water they kick each leg independently to swim.

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Kangaroos are the only large animal to use hopping as its main method of moving around.

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Fun Facts

Kangaroos have excellent hearing, and like some other animals are able to move their ears in different directions without moving the rest of their head.