Tasmanian Devil

Tasmanian devils are living beings with needs, wants and feelings, just like you and I. Their population has massively declined in recent years, in the past numbers were controlled by the availability of food and loss of habitat but the greatest current threat for devils is the Devil Facial Tumour Disease.

The Tasmanian devil is the world’s largest surviving carnivorous marsupial. It measures 55-65 cm head to tail and their tails are 24-25cm. Devils are nocturnal and spend most nights roaming looking for food.

The Tasmanian devil lives on Tasmania and hasn’t been seen in the wild on the mainland for about 430 years. They prefer to live in open forests and woodlands, but can be found from sea level to the highest peaks throughout Tasmania. Tasmanian devils are known for their stocky and muscular build, black fur (often with a white stripe down their body), strong smell, extremely loud and disturbing screech (think blood curdling screams), and ferocity when feeding. Tasmanian devils are the world’s largest surviving marsupial carnivore and are nocturnal. They sleep during the day and only come out at dusk. Although they are solitary creatures (they live alone, rather than in packs), Tasmanian devils often come together when feeding. This is when they scream at each other and fight for their share of the food. Tasmanian devils are carnivores (meat eaters). Their main source of food is carrion but they will also hunt live prey. Their diet is varied and includes small kangaroos, wallabies, wombats, birds and lizards. This tough little creature is about the size of a small dog, weighing between 8 - 14 kg (males) or 5 - 9 kg (females).

Newborn Tasmanian devils are pink, lack fur, have indistinct facial features and weigh around 0.20g at birth. Being a marsupial, the female Tasmanian devil carries her young in a pouch, typically there are 4 newborn Tasmanian devils in Mum’s pouch and they stay there until they are around 100 days old, when they weigh roughly 200g. The young become independent after around nine months.

Fun Facts
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Fun Facts

Tasmanian Devils have one of the most powerful bites in the world

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Tasmanian devils travel up to 9km a night.

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Tasmanian devils can climb trees and swim across rivers.

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Fun Facts

Tasmanian devils have incredibly strong jaws. In proportion to their body weight, they have the strongest bite of any living animal. Thanks to their powerful jaws and large, sharp teeth, Tasmanian devils eat nearly all of their prey, even the bones.

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The name ‘Devil’ comes from the animal’s loud nocturnal screams and grunts, and from its aggressive behaviour.

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Fun Facts

Tasmanian Devils can run at 25 km/h for over 1 km.