
Horses are living beings with needs, wants and feelings, just like you and I. They require time, money, love, understanding and commitment. Having horses in your life can be a wonderful experience and very rewarding, but only if you think through your decision very carefully before you adopt and ensure you and your family understand and accept all that will be required of you as a responsible, loving horse owner.

Animal Care - Horse

Fun Facts
Fun Facts
Fun Facts

A baby horse is called a “foal”

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Fun Facts
Fun Facts

Baby horses (foals) are able to stand and walk within minutes of being born

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Fun Facts

Horses can live until the age of about 25

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Fun Facts

Horses can sleep both lying down and standing up

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Fun Facts

Horses have around 205 bones in their skeleton

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Fun Facts

Horses are herbivores so they only eat plants

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Fun Facts

Horses have bigger eyes than any other mammal that lives on land

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Fun Facts

Horses can gallop over 40 km/h

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Fun Facts

The fastest recorded sprinting speed of a horse is 88 km/h

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Fun Facts

A female horse is called a “mare”

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Fun Facts

Horses have nearly 360 degree vision because their eyes are on the side of their head

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Fun Facts
Fun Facts

Male and female horses have different numbers of teeth! Males usually have around 40 teeth while females usually have around 36 teeth.

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Fun Facts
Fun Facts

Horses use their ears, eyes and nostrils to express their mood. They also communicate their feelings through facial expressions.

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Fun Facts

Horses cannot vomit

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Fun Facts

Horses like sweet flavours and will usually reject anything sour or bitter

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Fun Facts

Most of the time, wherever a horse's ear is pointing is where the horse is looking with the eye on the same side