Crochet Mice (Pattern #1) For cats and kittens

Our cats and kittens love toys to play with and having fun toys stops them from getting bored while they waiting to find their forever home. You can make crochet mice for our cats and kittens by following the  instructions below. 

Remember to ask your parent's or guardian's permission before making these toys  or giving them to your own pets to play with. Cats should always be supervised when  playing with this toy.

Parents: It is your responsibility to ensure that this project and this toy are appropriate for your child and your pet.


  • sc = single crochet
  • st = stitch
  • sl st = slip stich
  • tog = together
  • sts tog = stitches together
  • sc2tog = single crochet 2 together (decrease)

Equipment needed:

  • 3.5mm crochet hook
  • scraps of 8ply (or thicker) wool – any colour
  • some stuffing
  • bell (optional)
  • dried catnip (optional)


Ch 17,

Row 1: sc in 2nd st from hook and continue till the end. This will make the tail.

Row 2: Next, make 7 sc in the last loop of the tail (ie. In last sc). (7st total).

Row 3: Work in a spiral (do not sl st into the first of the 7 sc). Next, do 2sc in each sc (14st total)

Row 4: *sc in 1st sc, 2sc in 2nd sc* repeat 6 times. (21st total)

Row 5-7: sc in each sc

Row 8: sc in first 5 sc, sc next two sts tog. Repeat until you can just snugly fit your index finger into the top of the mouse. Stuff with the stuffing (and bell if you want to).

*next we add the ears. Get another colour of wool, join it to the outer lip of one sc, as we will use the inner lip to complete the mouse. Ch 2, then in the same sc make 2 dc, sl st in same sc lip. Next, sl st in the outer lip of the next stitch, and the one after. Next, ch 2, 2dc and sl st. tie and cut off.

Row 9: Continue with sc in 1st sc, sc next 2 sts tog, until you only have 7 sts around left. After which just sc next 2 sts tog until you are left with about 3 sts. Leave a 3-inch tail of wool to seal and secure.

Weave in any loose ends into the mouse and you’re done!

Many thanks from the cats and kittens at RSPCA.

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