Fun Facts
Fun Facts
Possums can make all sorts of noises, from grunts and growls to clicks, hisses and screeches.

Fun Facts
Fun Facts
A female possum is called a 'Jill', a male possum is called a 'Jack', and a young possum is called a 'Joey'.

Fun Facts
Fun Facts
A group of possums is called a passel.

Fun Facts
Fun Facts
Possums have 50 teeth which is more than any other mammal.

Fun Facts
Fun Facts
Baby possums sneeze and hiss when distressed or face danger.

Fun Facts
Fun Facts
Possums do not have good eyesight or strong hearing. They do have a sharp sense of smell though.

Fun Facts
Fun Facts
When threatened possums lie motionless or flop on their sides with eyes closed or fixed in one direction. They can remain like this from 1 minute to 6 hours.