
Pigs are living beings with needs, wants and feelings, just like you and I. They require time, money, love, understanding and commitment. Having pigs in your life can be a wonderful experience and very rewarding, but only if you think through your decision very carefully before you adopt and ensure you and your family understand and accept all that will be required of you as a responsible, loving pig owner.

Animal Care - Pigs

Fun Facts
Fun Facts
Fun Facts

Pigs are as smart as a three year old human

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Fun Facts

Pigs are omnivores – this means they eat both plants and meat

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Fun Facts

A pig’s snout has many uses – they use it to sniff, to dig and to communicate

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Fun Facts

Pigs can learn their own names in as little as two weeks!

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Fun Facts

Adult pigs can run as fast as 17 km/h

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Fun Facts

Pigs can’t sweat! Pigs have very few sweat glands, therefore it is important that they can cool themselves down by wallowing and seeking shade.

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Fun Facts

A pig's squeal can be as loud as 115 decibels – that’s louder than the sound of a plane!

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Fun Facts

Pigs have over 20 different sounds they make in order to communicate with one another

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Fun Facts

Pigs like very close social contact and will sleep nose to nose with one another

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Fun Facts

Studies have shown that pigs have dreams when they sleep, just like we do.

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Fun Facts

There is an island in the Bahamas full of wild pigs that love to swim in the ocean.

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Fun Facts

Pigs have a great sense of direction and have been known to find their way home from very long distances

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Fun Facts

Pigs are actually very clean animals and will not soil areas where they eat or sleep

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Fun Facts

Pigs have 15,000 taste buds! Us humans only have 9,000!

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Fun Facts

Pigs have four toes on each foot but only walk on two of them

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Fun Facts

Pigs make great pets for people with allergies as they have no fur

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Fun Facts

Pigs are easily trained to walk on a leash, use a litter box and do tricks