
Lizards are living beings with needs, wants and feelings, just like you and I. They are part of the reptile family. Reptiles are known for being cold-blooded and for having a backbone. Lizards have scaly, dry skin and they usually lay soft-shelled eggs.

There are 5 families of lizards in Australia:

  • skinks
  • dragons
  • monitors
  • geckos
  • flap-footed lizards

Caring for a Lizard as a Companion Animal 

Before you decide to care for a lizard you need to check with your local state or territory Government body as some reptiles require a permit to keep as pets.

Some particular species of reptiles require a heat source such as a heat lamp or head rock/pad to mimic their natural habitat when kept as pets/in captivity. Reptiles also require UV lighting for optimal health and to fight off disease.  

When setting up your reptile enclosure ensure there is plenty of space to hide and climb depending on the type of lizard you have and what they like if they were in the wild. When selecting your enclosure ensure it is appropriate for the size of the reptile, remember to think about the size your lizard will grow to, not just their current size.

When feeding your lizard keep in mind some may need to eat live bugs, unless they have been acclimatised to eat commercially blended food such as pellets.  

Remember to always wash your hands before and after handling reptiles.


Fun Facts
Fun Facts
Fun Facts

Geckos have no eyelids and they have special toes which help them to be excellent climbers

Fun Facts
Fun Facts
Fun Facts

Most lizards are harmless to humans

Fun Facts
Fun Facts
Fun Facts

A Mertens' Water Monitor can hold its breath underwater for 30 minutes

Fun Facts
Fun Facts
Fun Facts

Blue tongued lizards use their blue tongue to trick their predators into thinking they are dangerous.

Fun Facts
Fun Facts
Fun Facts

Bearded Dragons can regulate their own body temperature through changing colour!  They are able to slightly darken their colour in order to attract heat during cooler days.